Dr. Pardeep Garg has been listed in the top 0.5% of all scholars Worldwide by ScholarGPS on 03-08-2024 for his strong publication record, the impact of his work, and the notable quality of his scholarly contributions.
Dr. Shruti Jain and Dr. Naveen Jaglan enlisted in the top 2% scientist of world rankings of 2023 published by Elsevier, data compiled by Stanford University.
Manav Modi, and Ekal Sharma, B.Tech, Final year ECE, JUIT were selected for the CHANAKYA UG fellowship, sponsored by iHUB Divya Sampark set up under NM-ICPS at IIT Roorkee. Their project is on "Bridge Safety Systems" is started from September 2023 for six months. For the six months they will receive a remuneration of INR 10,000/- per month.
Received best paper award for paper titled “Recognition System for Malarial Parasites Causing Protozoa Infections in Thin Blood Smears”, in the IEEE INDISCON-2023, organized by IEEE Mysore Subsection at GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, during 5 -7 August, 2023 in association with IEEE India Council and IEEE Bangalore Section, authored by Himanshu Sharma (B.Tech. CSE & IT, passout 23 batch), Amol Vasudeva, Shruti Jain.